This week's class fell on Valentine's Day. After reading W. H. Auden's "If I Could Tell You," we discussed the poem's unique form, as well as what it might mean. The theme of love is common in poetry; however, Solomon students were asked to write poems about something, rather than someone they love.Ms. Jones, 3rd gradeCrabGriffin B.You taste good but a little fishy.
You are tasty in butter but a little
fishy. You are good but a little
fishy. Crab, you are divine
but a little fishy.
Love PotionJacob E.Drink this, you
love it. What is
it? Love potion.
Wow! Drink it,
come drink it.
OK. I love this
cup. Uh oh, I put
love potion in it.
I thought I tricked
him! Double uh oh!
If I Had Dog LanguageIsabella K.If I had dog language,
I would say,
Woof! Woof! Woof!That means, “Hi how you doing?”
Woof! Woof! Woof!That means, “I love my dog.”
Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!That means, “What's your name?”
Woof! Woof! Woof!That means, “The floor stinks like
you, but I still love you.”
Woof! Woof! Woof!means, take a five week bath.
My MusicAndrena M.My music is great, I
listen to it all the
time. I listen to rock,
and punk rock. I love
to listen to it. My
favorite song is “Dance
Dance,” it makes me
tired and it is kinda
loud, but I get
used to it.
Saturday MorningDivya P.When I wake up in the morning,
I look at the calendar, find
the 9th.
Yaaaaaaaay! It's Saturday.
The pajamas stay on all day.
I just love Saturday. I look
at the calendar just to make
sure. It's a four-day weekend.
That's even better. I can
do whatever I want.
Saturday rocks. Do you have
an idea of what I should
Ms. Goode, 5th gradeLove of LegosKush G. Legos are sweet, but not
that spicy. I love to build all
that there is.
They are bricks like
real bricks. Fun to play and love
to pieces.
They are tiny but not
that tiny. They are sweet and
sound unlike anything else.
I love Legos, they are
really fun. I will be with them
till I am through.
Caesar the DogAndres G.All black and curly, cute and small,
shaped like a heart when sleeping,
quiet and calm. Cute eyes, small
body, that's my dog, Caesar.
I Love Summer VacationSang H.A break from school.
No homework, now
that's the best
part of all.
I'll get to cool off
in the pool.
Relaxing in the
shade. And did
I mention no
WeekendsSeyi O.I love weekends because I can play my
video games. I love no school. Sometimes go
to my friend's house. I can bake cookies and
I have a lot of fun. I love the weekends a lot.
The PianoSammy R.I like to play the piano.
I move my fingers onto
the keys.
I like my piano teacher, Ms. Rollin.
She is so cute!
I like the program.
It is a fun place to visit.
I like playing “Hot Cross Buns.”
Also, the tunes of “Yankee Doodle,”
“Black Birds” and “Black Ants.”
I like how my fingers twist
as the music plays.
I Like PaperJeremy S.When you see a paper
it's blank, it's uncivilized.
But with the pencil you
could see your imagination
come to life, see things
that every person can see.
To create things, discover,
that's what paper is
all about.
Mr. Sandlass, 4th gradeCookiesSargon D.I love cookies
they are really
You mock me
while I see
you because
have to
let you sit
out a bit,
you are
just saying
in my mind,
“Get me out
of here.”
You are
my favorite
too bad
I ate
SweeTartsKlea K.SweeTarts, I love you.
You help me out when I'm troubled.
One of you and I'm in your world.
You're sour and sweet, you make me
complete. SweeTarts, SweeTarts, I love
you so true, now here's a big, wet
tunnel just for you! SweeTarts, SweeTarts,
why are you so sour? You're supposed to
be sweet but you give me some
ChocolateSherme M.Brown, hard,
sweet, sugary,
with milk, almonds,
or just plain.
Dark and light,
maybe crunchy.
Just one bite
and I will
be pleased.
BunnyMilad Q.I love you, bunny, you don't know how
much. Your fur, it smells as sweet as violets.
Your fur is as soft as jelly. That is why
I love you. You don't forget you're a cute animal,
bunny. I miss you.